Image credit: http://www.pexels.com/photo/art-statue-child-mother-2194/
Let me establish the story from the start
From where my life began
There was that first spark in my heart
Soon myriads of heartbeats ran.
It seemed I was packed in a box —
Darkness and no freedom
I could only hear some gabby talks
Guess they’re my dad and mum.
One day I started kicking my jail
In an attempt to get out
I assumed my kicks would make her wail
But merrily she seemed to shout!
Days went on as I kicked and slept
Inside my small dark cage
Then one day I slept quite deep
And woke up to a new stage.
I was out and crying so loud
As the other faces smiled
I was surrounded by a crowd
I was a girl child.
Life was then fun as I grew
And started following my dreams
After passing my college
I knew Life’s not half as bad as it seems.
I got married to the perfect guy
And happily we did live
Hearing our child’s first cry
We got all we asked God to give.
As time went on and we grew old
One day I again fell asleep
This time I saw what was untold
As time took a backward leap.
I heard someone say it’s a girl
And the others expressed dismay
I was asleep and rolled up in a curl
As they cursed God to whom they used to pray.
All my dreams were just my dreams
I was too naive and just off the boat
I never got freedom from my cage it seems
As a knife reached my throat.
My body was wrapped in a new box
I was too numb for kicks
I again heard some gabby talks
As I was being buried under some bricks.
I will end my story which could never start
As my life never began
They extinguished the spark in my heart
Because I was not a man.