Illustration by Another Visual Diary by Joanna sourced at
You may not know me, nor my name,
For I am but a mere spectator.
But I will let you know that I have done
A lot more, than be a humble spectator.
I have lived in the most humble abodes,
Sometimes even in a hole in the ground.
I lived in the grandest of castles imaginable,
Sometimes alone with none other around.
I have had my share of beginnings,
Sometimes starting out as just a babe.
I have been known to be magnanimous,
More times than one, everyone’s bane.
I would set out on an adventure,
Sometimes it would end up finding me.
An adventure it was nonetheless,
Good or bad, it was all up to me.
I sometimes solved the greatest of mysteries,
That baffled even the skilled detectives.
Sometimes I set out in search of love,
Or just for the rewards and incentives.
I crushed my enemies with weapons galore,
A sword, a knife, spear, cudgel or axe.
Sometimes I used the greatest weapon, my mind,
To solve puzzles as flames gobbled up wax.
Tremendous knowledge, terrible magic,
Infinite wisdom, all in my arsenal.
I was sometimes but a foot soldier,
But sometimes, a warlord or cardinal.
I have seen epic battles fought in the skies,
Where the sky itself rollicked, or bled red.
Sometimes a battle of words and emotions,
Or quarrels for water, shelter and bread.
I fought alongside heroes of ages long gone,
Ones yet to come and ones who may never.
I fought against heroes and waged wars,
Never hesitant or backed down, whatsoever.
I have seen the unspoken horrors and terrible truths,
Of battlefields and the devastation and loss.
I have seen the aftermath of disasters, natural or not,
Endured them, survived them, coped with loss.
I have lived through famine, disease, flooding,
And all. I suffered and yet helped others survive.
I was at the brink of meeting my dear friend death,
More than once, but somehow I did survive.
I brought health, wealth and prosperity and joy,
Was hailed as the greatest heroes of them all.
I brought disease, losses and misery and death,
I was shunned away, the most evil of them all.
In the end, I always would find my way back,
To my home, to my humble or grandiose starts.
A changed being, conscience or intelligence I was,
Satisfied with my efforts, opportunities and parts.
Now it is time for a new journey, a new adventure,
One that may take me to other worlds or not.
I may get to make new friends, or meet old ones,
Such beginnings sure are fun, more often than not.
The once azure skies are now dark and starry,
I pray as I lay on the lush green grass under a shade.
Oh mighty book, where will you take me next,
As I lay under the moon that shines like a large blue jade.