Tie a rope between 2 points, and try to walk on it. That’s slacklining.
Do the same between 2 cliffs, that’s when it becomes an extreme sport. This is highlining.
When I first heard the idea of walking on a rope, to be honest, I thought it sounded lame.
But over the years, I surprised myself with how big a part of my life it has become.
It has taught me and shaped me in ways relevant for me to effectively run a company, relevant for anyone to become a stellar part of an organisation, and beyond that, principles to live life by.
Here are the seven key lessons I’ve learned from years of highlining and explain how each applies to life.
## Lesson 1: Know the Why
Being such a niche sport, highlining is not commercial. You cannot pay someone to make you highline. Most highlines we have to set up ourselves.
And every highline setup is unique.
So that means, you can’t just blindly apply best practices. It’s essential to know the principles and reasoning as to why certain things are done or not.
Understanding this “why” ensures you set up a highline that won’t kill you.
Similarly, in life and business, it’s crucial to not just do something for the sake of doing.
Understand motivations and desired outcomes, to understand the “why”.
Then use a strong foundation of fundamentals to achieve the outcome most effectively and improvise when needed.
## Lesson 2: Mindset is Everything
There are a few skills and techniques one has to learn to be able to highline. These are all about consistent practice.
There is obviously some level of physical ability required.
But beyond these basics, it stops being a physical sport.
It’s all in the mind.
To keep the focus for extended periods above the void, with the wind, the vibrations, those beads of sweat running down your brow, the lactic acid build-up, and the inner chatter…oh that inner chatter.
Mindset is everything.
And so it is in career, business, and beyond – intelligence, diligence, and hard work will only take you so far. After those basics, mindset is what the true rocket fuel in life is.

## Lesson 3: You Need a Team For Your Dream
Setting up a highline is not easy.
From needing a bunch of specialised gear, figured out how to pass it across the valley, lugging the heavy gear and setting it up safely. It’s a massive coordinated project.
It’s miserable (and sometimes impossible) to do it without your crew, your team.
There are times when you trust in them with your life, literally.
But beyond just logistics, it’s magical to have close friends who you love, sharing and cheering you on your journey, pushing you all while having their journey.
To share the laughs, the milestones, the fears, and the frustrations.
Anything big needs a team. And honestly, it’s a lot more fun with the right team.
I cannot imagine running my company without my co-founders and teammates.
We would not have got to where we are on our own.
A team gives you the foundation to become a better version of yourself, pull off something spectacular – and have fun doing it.
Truly, the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Find yourself in the heart of a hunting spectacle, where jackfishes, trevallies and barracudas whirl in a frenetic frenzy.
## Lesson 4: Embrace Failure by Learning to Fall
I’ve seen friends not being able to do anything on the highline for years, and being stuck. Just because they were too afraid to fall.