Home Ring the Bell for Change

Ring the Bell for Change

by Deepayan Bhadra
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In the light of the numerous incidents of brutality against women, every man, in the true sense of the term, must have felt an inner desire to do something about it. One might point out that heinous acts against the so-called ‘weaker’ sex have come all the more to the fore since the December 16th rape case in Delhi. However India, as one foreigner in a TV interview aptly put it, has been a sexually repressed country since time immemorial. In the land of the Kamasutra, the karma of men has truly gone haywire, so much so that women are having second thoughts about stepping out of their houses into the open street. As a writer friend of mine puts it, India is in dire need of a revolution.

Image Credit: Denitza Tchacarova

Image Credit: Denitza Tchacarova

Who is to blame really? Is the judiciary that delivers verdicts at a snail’s pace? Or is it the media that takes sadistic pleasure in selling such news such that it starts becoming rampant and commonplace?

I have an older sister who is often complimented on her beauty. To be brutally frank, as a man it is understandable to take a second look at an attractive girl, but the thin line between looking and leering must never be trespassed. To counter incidents of rape, people have suggested solutions such as castration, whether chemical or not, death penalty and life imprisonment. Now, think logically. Isn’t it better that there is some direct correspondence between the crime and the subsequent punishment? Yes, indeed. Though the government is yet to implement castration, it is the need of the hour. Make the bastards feel helpless and devoid them of all manliness.

I refuse to just think out of the box. I say, break the box. In many European countries like the Netherlands, France and Denmark, prostitution is legal. Make the entire system transparent. I am aware that those who are raising eyebrows at this suggestion will agree that paid sex is better than forced, unnatural sex. That will at least stop the hungry dogs

To be brutally frank, as a man it is understandable to take a second look at an attractive girl, but the thin line between looking and leering must never be trespassed.

from pouncing on every available piece of ‘meat’. My heart grieves at the state of this nation. I feel ashamed to be a man. I can only hope to change my immediate circle. I can only make a genuine promise.


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