The first day’s dinner at the GBF reminded me of Valfi dinners (Hostel Valedictory functions, in case you’ve forgotten) on campus. A few dishes seemed eerily similar, as did the hordes of hungry IITians; the only things that made the difference clear were the variety and quantity of non-veg items on the menu (Go Goa!), and the absence of torn chappals, faded T-shirts and gheesoos. Methinks the IITBAA folk purposely engineered the Valfi-like elements to heighten the sense of campus nostalgia, and it worked. At least on some people.
One group that I was a part of for some time was a study in contrasts and hence great fun to listen to. There was someone from the 1890s – oops, slight slip of the keyboard there, I meant 1980s – describing IIT and IITians of yore, and then there were two sprightly young bucks currently in their third year at IIT describing life in IIT as it is lived currently. Listening to the trio interact was like watching Gandalf attempting to communicate with Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent!
Listening to the trio interact was like watching Gandalf attempting to communicate with Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent!
The second evening, dinner was in a scenic location called Bay 15. There was a stage and music courtesy of the YPO (Y Point Orchestra), a bar, the ocean waves gently lapping against the shore – the perfect setting, right? Then the gentleman on stage decided that the crowd needed to be woken up. So he announced that the bar was open and asked everyone to go up to the bar and get their drinks, quickly, adding as explanation, “I don’t want people walking up and down during the song and disturbing me!” I cracked up in laughter, while those who were yet to get their drinks looked totally irritated. I’m sure most probably decided to wait until the song began and then head for the bar, the only respectable reaction to such an announcement. In spite of repeated ‘disturbances’ though, the music began and all was jolly for some time, until the heavens opened up and everyone had to scramble for shelter. Everyone but the Boss, that is. Deepak sat where he was, covered his drink with one hand to maintain the right concentration of alcohol, and pronounced, “COME RAIN OR STORM, GBF WILL GO ON.”
That’s the spirit, Boss!
[P.S Warning: Cigarette smoking is injurious to health and may cause cancer. Just in case there are any young impressionable children reading this.]