Artwork by Prof. Arun Inamdar
Beheruz Sethna

Beheruz Sethna
Beheruz N. Sethna [B. Tech, EE, '71, H4] is Regents’ Professor of Business and President Emeritus of The University of West Georgia. He is also the first holder of the Beheruz N. Sethna Distinguished Scholar title, which other distinguished faculty will hold after he retires. He served twice as Interim Executive/Senior Vice Chancellor for the University System of Georgia. He is the author of a book and over 70 papers. Dr. Sethna is the first person of Indian origin to become President of a US university. Carnegie Corporation named him a “Great Immigrant – Pride of America.” Amongst his many awards, he has been named among the 100 most influential Georgians. He has presented a TEDx Talk entitled, "An American Star" in which he talks glowingly about IIT Bombay.
Illustration by Rajat Patle
This story is set long, long ago, way back in the Summer of 2020 … the lockdowns were coming to an end, but the future seemed uncertain at best.
First, let me put this column is perspective. In the December issue of Fundamatics, I wrote a column entitled, “The Golden Rule, Balgram, Michelangelo, IIT, and IIM,” which basically made the case (I should never say such a thing to my fellow IITians – what I mean is that I attempted to make the case) that government bureaucrats are best advised not to be making decisions in the running of colleges or universities– particularly the IITs and IIMs. I quote below some excerpts from that article, though I encourage you to read it yourself.