D Parthasarathy

D Parthasarathy
Dr. Parthasarathy is the past head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also the Convener of the Interdisciplinary Programme in Climate Studies at IIT Bombay. He has carried out research and published in the areas of gender and development, urban studies, law and governance, climate studies, and disaster risk and vulnerability. His current research interests include urban informality, urban commons, legal pluralism and resource governance, coastal transformations, and vulnerability to climate/disaster risks.
Photo by Chitto Cancio on Unsplash.
The following article has been republished from here.
In his scathing critique of Gandhi in “What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables”, Ambedkar takes on Gandhi´s views on technology, arguing that Gandhism is suited to a society which does not believe in democracy, and hence will lead to a situation where human beings “must keep on toiling ceaselessly for a pittance and remain a brute”. For Ambedkar modern machinery is “indispensable for emancipating man from leading the life of a brute, and for providing him with leisure and for making a life of culture possible”. He goes on to conclude that the ¨ultimate goal of a brute’s life is reached once his physical appetites are satisfied, the ultimate goal of man’s existence is not reached unless and until he has fully cultivated his mind¨.