Sharachchandra Lele
Sharachchandra Lele
[B.Tech. '84 EE, H5] Sharachchandra Lele spent most of his IITB days doing trekking and wildlife-giri, and GSec-giri (Garden Secretary and General Secretary of H-5). Somewhere along the way he realised thathe did not want to really be an engineer, and so in spite of the Silver Medal in Electrical Engineering, he veered off into environmental studies, doing a Masters at the Indian Institute of Science on valuing the environmental impacts of big dams, and then a PhD at University of California, Berkeley on understanding forest use and its impacts in the Western Ghats. He is currently with the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE:, an applied environmental research institute. He works on forests, water and the climate change-development conundrum from a highly interdisciplinary perspective.