In some countries where I go
Using Skype is illegal , you know
And for illegal things they often cut
Something off or whip your butt.
But the executioner is kind and nice
After his dissection he’ll apply ice
He doesn’t use a sword any more
To make the pain last he uses a saw
For theft your right hand he will cut
For Peeping Toms your eyes he’ll shut… permanently
So when they caught me using Skype
I pointed out that I could not type
I type with one finger, I said
And I never, ever use my head.
Toide wa – doko desu ka*
(*Translation: Where is the toilet)
Inspired by the amazing talking toilets that have evolved in Japan
When you first arrive in Tokyo
And ‘re feeling somewhat dumb
‘Çause you cannot speak the language
Makes you so lonesome
You don’t ever have to panic
There’s a toilet nearby
It will answer all your questions
And listen without a sigh
You can ask for the exchange rate
Or the price of Exxon shares
Or what’s on in Roppongi
Or the return Shinkansen fares
While it sprays your nether end
And dries it with a breeze
Of perfume scented, quite compelling
Warm air so you don’t freeze.
All the while its playing
A polka with a beat
Its so friendly and comfortable
You wouldn’t leave that seat
And it will read you poetry
And laugh at all your jokes
Its smart Japanese wizardry
I tell you it’s no hoax
The ultimate intelligence
In a toilet near you
It makes you want to go again
When you’ve nothing else to do
I have had a strong objection
From my toilet back at home
It is sad I never mentioned it
In my Nipponesque tome
It too can recite Shakespeare
And do poetry and such
But it doesn’t get a chance to speak
Because I talk too much