Marcel didn’t want to work for a science degree
It was useless for his business as far as he could see
But his father was insistent that he should be educated
So he suggested doing accounting as it was less complicated
Rustom Kanga

Rustom Kanga
Dr. Rustom Kanga (B.Tech. Chem.Engg, C’73) went on to get a Masters in Management and a Doctorate in Finance from the London School of Economics. After a career in the oil and computer industries he founded his own company, iOmniscient, which focuses on Artificial Intelligence based Video Analysis. Rustom indulges himself by writing humourous stories, songs and poems.
Photograph by Igor Ovsyannykov
It is with deep regret that I have to let you know
I have to say it ‘n I hope its not too snide
It breaks my heart as its about something I hold dear
I am sad to say our Washing Machine died.