Character sketch is a rough-and-ready rendering or thumbnail portrayal of an individual, capturing, in brief, that person’s physical characteristics, psychological attributes, and the like. The brief descriptions often capitalise on the more unusual or humorous aspects of the person’s character. Character sketches are usually identified by irony, humor, exaggeration, and satire. The term originates in portraiture, where the character sketch is a common academic exercise. The artist performing a character sketch attempts to capture an expression or gesture that goes beyond coincident actions and gets to the essence of the individual.
Vallen Menezes
Vallen Namaan Menezes is 15 years. He is in standard 11. His hobbies are reading and drawing. He is passionate about sketching. He loves the details that go into a sketch and can spend hours on it. Vallen is also an animal lover. For now, he would like to become a microbiologist or a zoologist until he finds something more interesting.
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You have a unique style, Vallen. Nurture it.
You have captured the essence of the individual with all the beautiful details.
Keep it up, Vallen. All the best for a great future.