Home 2018 From the Beehive

From the Beehive

by Queenbee
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January, 2018 – February, 2018

The beginning of a new year always evokes the feeling of a fresh start. There is also joyful anticipation at the prospect of fresh beginnings presented by the new year — new promises, new resolutions, and the never fading hope to achieve them all. We started the new year by capturing the essence of the year that we bade goodbye to. We continue the forward journey with our readers building on the same note of growth, regeneration and hope. Like a bouquet that derives its identity from the colours and diversity of its many flowers, this month we bring you  a rich world of literary experience that ties together multiple strands of thoughts, perspectives, opinions and reflections. Some will make you pause. Others will open doors to a world of new ideas. Yet others will merely entertain you. But, above all we hope that this issue of Fundamatics and all others that will follow this year, strengthens the bond that we have shared over the years.

On a different note, team Fundamatics is planning to publish an annual commemorative issue to celebrate the Diamond jubilee of IIT Bombay. This issue will capture history and nostalgia related to IIT Bombay. If you wish to share your memories of eccentric profs, your hostels or unique IITB lingo or any pictures/memorabilia, send in your own submissions to the editorial team at [iitbaa.office@iitbombay.org]. As contributors, you don’t need to write a full article, even a paragraph is fine – we’ll string together sets of anecdotes. But, of course, articles are most welcome too. Contributions can be sent in by individuals or by groups (a bunch of friends/wingies/batchmates/people from the same lab, whatever). Submissions must reach us before end of Oct.


Also Ran BY Rohit Grover

The second installment of a four-part series by a marathon runner who takes a lighthearted look at how it all started.

The Eleventh Hour Plan BY Obaidur Rahaman

The opening chapter of the book The Night Hikers that recounts the true story of three second year IITB students who set off on a night hike in the year 2000  ignoring all the bad omens.

The Good, the Bad and the Oily BY Raj Nair

A sneak peak into what the year 2018 holds and doesn’t hold for us on the economic plane.

The Epic Tale of Marcel’s Gold Medal BY Rustom Kanga

A humorous look at the pressure to obtain a degree and the lengths it drives one to

Book Worm Returns BY Abraham Thomas

The second installment of our lit quiz to jazz up a regular workday.


Revisit our December to January Issue

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