Home 2017 From the Beehive

From the Beehive

by Queenbee

April – May, 2017

From our first print edition, to a webzine in issue.com, to our very own e-zine which won an award but no moolah, Fundamatics has constantly morphed to ensure that it does not become the latest casualty of the unsure world that we call the publishing business.

So this new look should not come as surprise to you, dear readers.

A lot has happened in the world since we surfaced last.

The White House is now whiter than white and Trump is out to fix the world (Lord help us all). At home Modiji is busy fixing Kaaladhan, and all this fixation with fixing made us Lazybees move our collective butts and go “Holy cow! We gotta fix this no-good magazine of ours!”

Seriously guys, it was either the oblivion charm or polyjuicing ourselves yet again to survive.

Now the good news first.

To start with, you do not have to wait for 3 months for every issue of the magazine (like you were holding your breath, duhhh!!!). Fundamatics is now a monthly with new articles updated every week. We will still have a thematic focus but (yes there is a but) there will no longer be a hardcover issue of the magazine. There will be only one print issue a year. This will feature the very best of that year which will be published (hopefully) every December.

It is not that we are tree huggers but a case of pure economics. Hard copy issues cost money, far more than your poor Association can afford.

So do come back to the site more regularly to read the junk your fellow alumni are putting out and better still share some of your own that you think can be inflicted on junta.

Now before I get called out for my disgustingly liberal leanings, I am out of here.




A Village of Chitrakaras BY Arnapurna Rath

A colourful odyssey through the painted backyards of Raghurajpur, a heritage crafts village in Odisha that is home to makers of Pattachitras.

Pratham: The First Student Satellite of  IIT Bombay BY Tushar Jadav 

The  story behind the making of a satellite that was conceptualised in 2008  and launched in 2016.

The Internet Wave (1994 – 2002): The Internet Changes Everything BY Kashyap Deorah 

The concluding part of the inside story of hyper funded Indian startups.

Rendezvous BY Devanshu Narang

About expected and unexpected discoveries made at a rendezvous of old IIT friends.

Professor MGK Menon (1928 – 2016):  A Tribute BY Prof. SP Sukhatme

A profound homage that uncovers the authentic individual behind the public persona.

Dabs and Jabs BY Shreyas Navare

A colourful  jab at the American President Donald Trump.

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Bakul April 14, 2017 - 12:06 am

Nice and new polyjuiced version Queenbee. Keep it up.

Paresh Vora May 1, 2017 - 11:33 am

Very good development with new format. All the best. Need to do a sustained campaigned on mail, social media to make our readers aware.

Paresh Vora May 1, 2017 - 11:35 am

Can we provide a link to like and share it on FB and Linked in from this page


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