Home 2018 From the Beehive

From the Beehive

by Queenbee
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June, 2018 – July, 2018

Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in the Indian economy both in terms of employment and revenues, and paradoxically, one of the greatest challenges facing our nation. A large number of minds from the IITB community are engaged in grappling with key Healthcare issues in various roles – as founders of NGOs that offer primary healthcare, as scientists researching drug discovery, as technologists and innovators solving problems related to delivery and devices, as incubators supporting and guiding start-ups, and as investors funding small firms, etc. In this issue of Fundamatics, we bring you some of their stories, as well as articles exploring different aspects of Healthcare.


The NanoHealth Story: A new way to look at your health BY Manish Ranjan

Contends that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) constitute one of the largest health problems of the 21st century and discusses the challenges of tackling NCDs at scale.

Materials Intervention in Healthcare: Synthetic and natural nanofibres BY Mudrika Khandelwal

Focuses on research that manipulates naturally available materials to create innovative and affordable healthcare solutions.

Limitations in scaling-up Ayurveda BY Vivek Joshi

Examines if Ayurvedic medicine can be an alternative solution to healthcare problems.

Getting Water to Bhuritek: An Experience BY Alok Kelkar

If clean water is a prerequisite to staying healthy, here’s a heartwarming story of how a group of dedicated volunteers brought health and prosperity to a little-known hamlet.

How I Reclaimed my Life and my Health BY Garima Bhatia

Discover five worthwhile lifestyle choices that will lead to a healthier, happier and rejuvenated you.

Domestic Pharma Firms Eye the OTC Opportunity BY Zenobia Driver

Find out what challenges lie ahead for domestic pharma firms who are eyeing the over-the-counter route to accelerate their sales growth.

To Make India Clean I Would Teach My Hand Some Manners BY Viney Kirpal

A prize-winning short essay that implicitly connects the dots between health and cleanliness.

BETiC: Innovating Indigenous Medical Devices BY Noseybee

A peek inside the incubation centre at IITB that is nurturing a new generation of medtech innovators to create low cost yet high-quality medical devices.

Revisit our March to April Issue

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