We are back again with our second installment of the lit quiz! Don’t miss this second fun chance of flexing your literary muscle. Get cracking on the first installment of a dazzingly creative lit quiz. The beehivers had a great time going through the questions. It’s quite a bit of fun. So get your engines running!
Marcel didn’t want to work for a science degree
It was useless for his business as far as he could see
But his father was insistent that he should be educated
So he suggested doing accounting as it was less complicated
The following book excerpt is from the book The Night Hikers: A True Story of Three Boys’ Adventure, Survival and Friendship written and e-published by the author. The book is availabe on Amazon.in both as Paperback and Kindle edition.
I was in a state between dead and alive. I lay down in the ditch by the side of the road and cool water flowed all over my body. A soft feeling spread from my skins all the way to the core of my heart. It caressed away my fatigue. It pacified my mind to a Zen-like state. I could finally give it a rest from constant thinking, planning and most of all worrying.
I raised my head to take a peek at the others. I saw Pondy lying down nearby. Machchhu was a bit farther away. We had no energy to talk. Tenzin and UD did not show any interest in getting in the water. They stood on the road and laughed at us. Tenzin kept making his typical silly jokes followed by hysterical guffaws. He never cared if anybody else found his jokes funny or not.
Part 2
Halfway to a marathon, and not 40 yet.
The Hop-Hop Half Marathon course is an out-and-back along the levee that separates Portland’s mile-wide Columbia River from the airport. If Shamrock was hilly, this was about as flat as it gets. I think we climbed up and down off the levee, once. The day of the race was cloudy and cold — perfect running weather! I started the run, again in the finisher’s shirt — my friend Gregg didn’t tell me about race-shirt-etiquette until later in that first year. Feeling strong, fast, and confident, I glanced at the GPS app on my phone — 4:38 min/kim (7:30 min/mile) pace! Oops. However confident I might be, I wasn’t that strong and fast. So I slowed a bit, ignoring pace goals and enjoying the run along the river.
January, 2018 – February, 2018
The beginning of a new year always evokes the feeling of a fresh start. There is also joyful anticipation at the prospect of fresh beginnings presented by the new year — new promises, new resolutions, and the never fading hope to achieve them all. We started the new year by capturing the essence of the year that we bade goodbye to. We continue the forward journey with our readers building on the same note of growth, regeneration and hope. Like a bouquet that derives its identity from the colours and diversity of its many flowers, this month we bring you a rich world of literary experience that ties together multiple strands of thoughts, perspectives, opinions and reflections. Some will make you pause. Others will open doors to a world of new ideas. Yet others will merely entertain you. But, above all we hope that this issue of Fundamatics and all others that will follow this year, strengthens the bond that we have shared over the years.
Photograph by Steven VanDesande Jr
We live in a world that is expecting widespread economic growth in 2018, the likes of which, it has not seen after the great collapse of 2008 and rightly so. Real estate prices are creeping to record levels, as also commodity prices and stock market indices. Have we forgotten the several casualties in the corporate world, real estate, banking, and a wide swathe of other sectors, shattered dreams and broken lives of ordinary people in the aftermath of crisis of ten years ago? Have we learnt our lessons? No. The pattern of mass memory lapse for which documented history exists is mankind’s curse.
December, 2017 – January, 2018
December is a month of many moods. The season inexorably stirs up myriad emotions. Most of us experience wistfulness at the thought of another year drawing to a close mixed with utter disbelief (how fast that went!). And, then how can we forget the thrill of going on year-end vacation, the joy of reuniting with family and friends and savoring the chill of winter mixed with the warmth of hearth. But, for those of us at campus, December is also something else. It is the time of homecoming – the time of annual gathering of hundreds of alumni who flock to the campus from near and distant shores to reconnect with each other and with their alma mater. This issue of Fundamatics is dedicated to that spirit of revisiting, rediscovering, of making new beginnings and, most importantly, of building upon the past. This month, to remind you of the months gone by, we bring to you the most popular articles from our monthly issues of this year.