Home 2021 Reimagining a post-COVID World

Reimagining a post-COVID World

by Queenbee
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Cover Illustration by Rajat Patle

The COVID 19 pandemic has been devastating, globally. Despite the development of new vaccines, many are still wondering what recovery could look like. Many are also pondering on how the pandemic has changed the world and the life lessons that it has taught us. The articles in this issue aim to help our readers assess the changes that have occurred in 2020 and give them a perspective of what could be expected over the next two to three years, what would change irrevocably and how can they adjust to it. As our Guest Editor for this issue, Chandru Chawla captures it beautifully in his Editorial “we are pretty much locked into a new paradigm for some time – a surreal digital life in the safety of a gated cocoon…” This edition has an extraordinary array of writers speaking on wide-ranging topics like effective delivery of justice, financial inclusion of the marginalized, existential issues of a social sector startup, transition to e-learning, mental health during a pandemic. Also, included is a liberal dose of art that captures the lighter side of the crisis.

Table of Contents

Editorial: Living with Hope

Illustration by Nilapratim Sengupta The headlines on the front page of the New York Times on 1 Jan 2020 were normal: Iraqi Protesters assault embassy after US strike; E.P.A policies scorn…

Acrylic SOUP for the Locked-Down SOUL!

A splash of colours that will invigorate, refresh and rejuvenate

The Entrepreneurial Roller Coaster: Peppermint Robots

The first instalment of a regular column that will cover entrepreneurs and their journeys in the startup-land. In this one, we bring you  Runal Dahiwade and Miraj Vora’s journey in building Peppermint.

Keeping Our World in Motion

A case study of what it took to keep goods and services in motion during the pandemic and an illustrative insight into the dramatic changes sweeping trade and supply chains in the post COVID world.

2020: Lessons in seeing things differently

The new normal is uncertain and fragile and even more so for those who live and work in the social sector.

COVID and Financial Inclusion

How the COVID 19 challenge has propelled India’s journey to bring banking to the dispossessed in rural areas.

The New Normal in the World of Law

The adoption of e-platforms to conduct virtual hearings in judicial and quasi-judicial cases can reduce cases of pendency in the Indian Judicial System.

When the Clock Strikes Twelve, Ce Qui Va Se Passer?

A savant’s version of crystal ball gazing with astute observations on the Indian Economy and how it will all go down in 2021 and beyond.

Porous Borders

On the subject of fences and borders, which seem to be taking over our lives.

Rise Like the Phoenix

IIT Bombay’s student counsellor shares her perspective on wellness and mental health concerns arising out of the pandemic.

A Student’s Note to Self

What has been the impact of almost two semesters of online learning on students at IIT Bombay? A gifted student writer delves into the isolation and alienation of digital learning.

From Face-to-Face to Online Teaching @IITB

The balancing act between “the presence of tech in teaching” and the “absence of human touch in learning”.


A poem for all those working in trying circumstances these days – doctors, those helping the migrants and so many others.

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